Tag: SelfMadeHero
in BlogI’ve been loving the @SelfMadeHero #DrawYourBookshop tag today, in which artists render their local independent bookseller. So much, in fact, that I thought I’d stumble drunk into the party just as everyone is leaving.
Indie Penance #30: Witching Hour, Feast or Famine, Priming the Charge, Lovecraft
In this week’s Indie Penance: Priming the Charge, The Witching Hour, Feast or Famine and Culbard’s Lovecraft
Haddon Hall: When David Invented Bowie Review
A trippy reflection of an artist who remained enigmatic against his best efforts.
Irmina Graphic Novel Review
Anyone who takes the comic medium seriously should read Irmina as soon as they possibly can.
Agatha: The Real Life of Agatha Christie Review
Agatha touches upon that precious bond between creator and creation.
Ricky Rouse Has A BitTorrent Bundle
in Comic NewsSelfMadeHero’s Ricky Rouse Has A Gun finds its ideal medium as a BitTorrent Bundle.
SelfMadeHero Announces Scott McCloud UK Tour
in Comic NewsSelfMadeHero has announced a spate of appearances that McCloud will be making to promote The Sculptor.