Tag: indie comics
On The Shelf #6: A Bunch of ACE-holes
in ColumnMoving on from failed creative projects through… I’m not exactly sure.
On Kickstarter Now: I Am Hexed
in Comic NewsA present-day story set in an alternate America in which witches “came out” in the 1960s.
About Betty’s Boob Graphic Novel Review
A sweet-natured and whimsical book with a clear body positive message.
Indie Penance #25: Permanent Press, ‘Vengeance, Nevada’, The Colin’s Godson Annual, Skip Chippington, Radio On
I look at Permanent Press, ‘Vengeance, Nevada’, The Colin’s Godson Annual, Skip Chippington and Radio On.
Indie Penance #24: Super Mini-review Catch-up Special, Part Three
In this week’s IP: Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia, GalaXafreaks, The Resurrected, Hexes and Hollow Monsters.
Indie Penance #23: Super Mini-review Catch-up Special, Part Two
In this week’s Indie Penance: A Stubborn Adventure, Rolled a One, Gregory Suicide, Peace of Mind, and Diedre and Albert.
Pizzeria Kamikaze Graphic Novel Review
Etgar Keret’s adaptation gets a much-deserved colour rerelease from Archaia.