Tag: indie comics
Events: Comic Creators
in Comic NewsHow do comics and graphic novels go from the imagination to the page? Panel discussion with Alasdair Duncan, Alexander Wilmore, Lauren Sharp and Peter Mcleod. Followed by a workshop for aspiring writers and illustrators to have a go. Venue: Harlow Library, Harlow Date: 06/03/2010 Time: 10:30:00 Price: Free from the library Map: Click Here…
American Sinner Review
Script: Glenn Møane Pencils: Edson Alves Inks: Marcelo Dantas, Edson Alves Frank Manning makes movies for a living. You wouldn’t guess this by looking at him or his dilapidated home, but this is because Frank keeps his profits concealed from prying neighbours and the authorities. His lucrative speciality is snuff movies, which Frank produces with…
Kisenja Superhero Fashion Store Opens its Virtual Doors
in Comic NewsLove comics? Wear Clothes? Of course you do, otherwise: a) you probably wouldn’t have found yourself stranded on these here shores in the first place, and b) there’s something irrevocably wrong with you. Anyway, Swedish fashion designer Katarina Emgård has opened her Kisenja Superhero Store, which features outfits modelled by her characters in the webcomic…
Chew Volume 1: Taster’s Choice TPB Review
2009, Image Story: John Layman Art: Rob Guillory Detective Tony Chu is a cibopath – a telepath whose psychic abilities are connected to his taste buds. When Tony eats an apple, he visualises it being plucked for the tree. When he eats meats, he’s left with far more horrific recollections. After a strain of bird…
Omnitarium #1 (of 4) Review
Ronin Studios, $3.50 Story: Jamie Gambell Art: J.C. Grande Design, letters: Bernie Lee Many modern comic and movie scribes seem to forget this, but nothing makes for more effective horror than the unseen. That blurred figure in the corner of your perception. A skulking shadow in a moonlit hallway. The first issue (of four) of…
Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom Review
2009, Arcana Writer: Bruce Brown Artist: Renzo Pedesta H.P. Lovecraft didn’t lead what could be described as a happy life. During his childhood he watched his father rot in a mental asylum due to a misunderstood variety of syphilis – surely the groundwork for his later fascination with the nature of madness – while in…
Supergod #1 Review
Avatar Oct 09, $3.99 Story: Warren Ellis Art: Garrie Gastonny Avatar’s range of gimmick-free comics created by genuinely talented writers has so far produced some pretty decent titles, but Warren Ellis’s Supergod is the first series from the publisher that actually feels like it could be an enduring classic. The third part in a thematic…
Ctrl.Alt.Shift Unmasks Corruption
in Comic NewsWhere: Lazarides Gallery, Greek Street, London When: 6th – 28th November 2009 (Tues-Fri, 11am-7pm, Sat 12pm-5pm) Ctrl.Alt.Shift, a youth charity aiming to bring social justice to public attention via digital and contemporary media, are launching a month-long Soho exhibition and accompanying comic book anthology promoting sequential art as a channel for political activation. The exposing…