Tag: indie comics
The Experts vol. 1 TPB Review
Near Mint Press, 2009 Story: Kenn Minter Art: Clarence Pruitt (Jason Cheeseman-Meyer pencils pgs 37-43) Like the Mystery Men and Great Lake Avengers before them, the Experts are a sympathetic team of assorted weirdoes and underdogs that spend as much time bickering between one another as they do fighting crime. Yes they have powers, but…
Omnitarium #2 Comic Book Review
Ronin Sudios Writer: Jamie Gambell Art: J.C. Grande Letters: Bernie Lee Issue 1 of Jamie Gambell’s sinister period horror Omnitarium was a book of two distinct acts. An action-packed prologue detailed the execution of cultist Harrow Moonheart a century before the main events of a second, slower and more ominous half set within the confines…
Spring Memorabilia Show at NEC Birmingham, 27-28 March 2010
in Comic NewsVenue: NEC, Birmingham Date: 27-27th March 2010 Time: 11am to 5pm (Early entry from 9am Sat, 10pm Sun) Price: Adults £10, Children £5, Family Ticket (2 Adults and up to 3 children) £30 Website: www.memorabilia.co.uk This March the Memorabilia Show at the NEC in Birmingham will include videogames, with several major games publishers making an…
Cheapjack Shakespeare Hits The Stage On Kindle
in Comic NewsWriters Shaun McLaughlin and Gabriel Benson have announced Cheapjack Shakespeare, the first project from Cheapjack Partners. The partnership plans to create graphic novels for the Kindle, which will be used to promote the new properties for other media such as film and television. McLaughlin’s writing credits include work for DC (Aquaman) and Dark Horse during…
A Rope Around Your Broken Neck Review
2010, Attackosaur Writer: Martin Ian Smith Art: R. Ricardo, Nicolas Brondo, Lara Phillips Ouch. You’ll probably not find a more brutally named comic than A Rope Around Your Broken Neck, but it’s a fittingly severe title for this grim tale of the relationship between an imprisoned priest and a prison guard turned executioner in plague-infected…
2012: Final Prayer Graphic Novel Review
2009, Heske Horror Writers: Chris McJunkin, Ollie Masters, Shawn Gabborin, Jim Alexander, Shamere Borg, Xander Bennett, Robert Heske, Arno Hunter, Christopher Barker, Craig Gilmore, Rita Gorgoni, Adam Grose, Dino Caruso, Don E. Smith Jr., Duncan Eagleson, Martin Hayes, Jason Light, Marie D. Jones Artists: Chris McJunkin, Andy Fish, Mario Cau, Andrew Dodd, Melanie Cook, Adam…
Bone Chiller Graphic Novel Review
2008, Heske Horror Written by: Robert M. Heske Art: Monty Borror, Zeu, Preston Asevedo, Alian Norte, Dirk Shearer, Reno Maniquis, Adam Swiecki, Breno Tamura The good ol’ fashioned horror comic is alive and kicking like an angry reanimated corpse in Bone Chiller, an anthology of ghoulish tales from screenwriter Robert M. Heske. The standard many…
Fools Gold Book Review
Any adult with an unremitting passion for comic books is going to remember the pain of having their comic-inspired illustrations rejected by their art teacher for being “immature”. Or worse still, the shame of being told that their book review for English Literature didn’t count, because, as we’ve been told perpetually since childhood, “graphic novels…