Tag: indie comics

  • The Royal Historian of Oz #1 Review

    The Royal Historian of Oz #1 Review

    Slave Labor Graphics, $1.00 Story: Tommy Kovac Art: Andy Hirsch The perpetual regurgitation of public domain properties is something you either reluctantly enjoy or thoroughly despise. For every Wicked or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen there’s a dozen Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. With SLG’s The Royal Historian of Oz, Tommy Kovac and Andy Hirsch take…

  • Interview: Andrew McGinn on Writing ‘The Legacy’

    Interview: Andrew McGinn on Writing ‘The Legacy’

    I recently reviewed Andrew McGinn and David Neitzke’s The Legacy, a hilarious graphic novel about a young artist who inherits his father’s beloved newspaper comic strip “Simple Pleasures” and strives to make it the most offensive and reviled cartoon in America in order to get his commitment cancelled. The Legacy is sharp, genuinely funny and…

  • The Legacy Graphic Novel Review

    The Legacy Graphic Novel Review

    DragonFish Comics, 2009 Story: Andrew McGinn Art: David Neitzke You only have to wander into your local specialist store to appreciate just how reluctant the comic industry is to cater beyond its established demographics. Like timid weeds the US publishers have dug deep into several small niches and seem reluctant to branch out into unfamiliar…

  • ‘American Terrorist’ Needs Your Support

    ‘American Terrorist’ Needs Your Support

    I was away when I received this info, so this is probably coming at the 11th hour. And yes, that headline was intended to aggravate. Essentially, Tyler & Wendy Chin-Tanner of publishing company A Wave Blue World are looking for comic fans to help fund a print run of their comic project American Terrorist via…

  • Indie Comic Spotlight: The Minions of the Happy Aisles, Book One

    Indie Comic Spotlight: The Minions of the Happy Aisles, Book One

    2010, Five String Press Story: Zach Hudson Art: Mike Murphy Oh how times have changed. Several decades ago all we had to worry about was Galactus devouring the planet or a late night encounter with an escaped Arkham inmate. Now, it would appear that comic book villains are getting just that little bit too recognisable…

  • Mike Foxall Has Elvis Turning in His Grave

    Mike Foxall Has Elvis Turning in His Grave

    Australian illustrator, animator, short film maker and punk rocker Mike Foxall has released Issue 1 of The Grave Shakers, a new self-published comic series under his XRay Studios (www.xraystudios.com) label. The 4-part miniseries sees famous rock icons brought back to life by mad scientist Doctor Sponglehoff, who plans to combine his two great passions, “genetic re-animation…

  • First Edition Announces First Comic Industry Web Comedy

    Given the success of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and The Guild, I’m surprised that there haven’t been more cult web shows created with comic geeks and/or gamers in mind. At least, I’m assuming those shows were successful, as in someone, somewhere eventually profited from them… First Edition is a new web comedy by Sam Weller…

  • Comics Fighting Cancer: RIP is now FREE

    Joseph Pais of Black Snake Studios has informed me that the first issue of charity series RIP is now available to download free from digital comic and eBook store www.wowio.com, with $.25 of every download going to the National foundation for Cancer Research. While you’re at it you can also download 4 other comics of…