Tag: indie comics
Septagon Studios Releases Gator Bunch on Graphicly
Press Release: Gator Butch, the long-awaited comic project written by Kurt Belcher, illustrated by David Hollenbach and published by Septagon Studios has hit digital media platforms with a Truckload of Bonuses! Gator Butch is the story of Charles “Gator Butch” Buchinsky, a mutant half-human, half-alligator country boy and licensed ‘Monster Fighter’. When Gator Butch agreed…
Asylum Press Releases Black Powder #1 (of 3) Preview
Press Release: Frank Forte, publisher of Asylum Press, announces the release of previews for the company’s April solicitations (Featured in Diamond Comics’ Feb. Previews). Black Powder, written and illustrated by Dwayne Harris, is a very exciting action adventure series that takes place during the catastrophic New Madrid earthquake of 1812. Each issue will be double-sized…
I See the Promised Land Book Review
2010, Tara Books/Patua Graphics Writer: Arthur Flowers Artists: Manu Chitrakar, Guglielmo Rossi During my time writing reviews for this site, the question of what exactly defines a graphic novel as such rears its head on an almost weekly basis. I See the Promised Land, an illustrated account of the life of Martin Luther King Jr.,…
SLG Creator’s Studio Drop in and Draw Event
When: 7:00 – 10:00 PM, Thursday February 10th Where: SLG Art Boutiki, 577 S. Market Street, San Jose, CA 95113 Jazz and Comic Books are two original American art-forms, and SLG Publishing will be marrying the two during it’s Jazz Warehouse event. Press Release: This is the first in what we hope will be a…
Interview: RIP M.D and Angry Beavers Creator Mitch Schauer
in Comic NewsLittle terrors love big monsters. Rip, the protagonist of RIP M.D., the new series from animation studio Lincoln Butterfield and publisher Fantagraphics Books, is so convinced that the creatures that go bump in the night are simply misunderstood, he decides to make it his business to befriend the undead. From Angry Beavers creator Mitch Schauer,…
Interview: Zenescope at NYCC
in InterviewsInterview with Zenescope Entertainment’s Ralph Tenesco at the New York Comic Con.
Amity Blamity: A Fun For All-Ages Farmland Adventure
Pot bellies, pigtails and flying garlic invade the family farm in new SLG graphic novel series Press Release: Starting a new job is an adventure for anyone, but when you are a four-year old girl working in the barnyard offices of a pot-bellied pig adventure becomes more than a euphemism. So goes Amity Blamity, the…
Interview: Ape Entertainment at NYCC
in InterviewsInterview with the Founders of Ape Entertainment, David Hedgecock and Jason M. Burns, at the New York comic Con.