Tag: indie comics
New Marketplace Comichaus Aims to Unite Collectors and Sellers
in Comic NewsLooking to sell your comics? Then take a gander at Comichaus.com, a recently launched comic book marketplace.
Preview: Alpha By Jens Harder
in Comic NewsKnockabout Comics will be publishing an English translation of Jens Harder’s ludicrously ambitious Alpha.
Preview: LOVE: The Fox
in Comic NewsAs an unabashed animal lover and vociferous opponent of fox hunting, I just had to share these pages from Magnetic Press’s LOVE: The Fox.
Read Korean Comics at Spottoon.com For Free
in Comic NewsSpottoon.com is a new platform publishing webcomics of Korean origin to a western readership. Until the end of August, you can sign up and read their eclectic selection of comics for free.
Dawn of the Unread Illustrates Nottingham’s Literary History
in Comic NewsThis awesome little webcomic explores the lives of literary figures from Nottingham’s rich history.
Read Cerebus The Aardvark For Free… Eventually
in Comic NewsDave Sim’s entire saga is being made available on Tumbler… at the rate of a page a day.
Ricky Rouse Has A BitTorrent Bundle
in Comic NewsSelfMadeHero’s Ricky Rouse Has A Gun finds its ideal medium as a BitTorrent Bundle.
SelfMadeHero Announces Scott McCloud UK Tour
in Comic NewsSelfMadeHero has announced a spate of appearances that McCloud will be making to promote The Sculptor.