Tag: indie comics
His Dream of the Skyland Graphic Novel Review
The first volume in The Walled City trilogy is magnificent in its scope and its magical realism storytelling.
Indie Penance #5: ‘Pariah, Missouri’, Eccentrix, The Boy with a Balloon for a Head, Michael Midas
This week: Eccentrix, The Boy with a Balloon for a Head, Michael Midas: Champion and Pariah, Missouri
Preview: A Glance Backward
in Comic NewsCheck out these surreal and sumptuous preview pages from Magnetic Press’s upcoming A Glance Backward.
Indie Penance #4: The Dead, Indie Comics Magazine, Hard to be a Girl, Lowlives, Bloodthirsty
This week I look at The Dead, Indie Comics Magazine, Bloodthirsty, Lowlives and It’s Hard to be a Girl.
The Phoenix Celebrates 200th Issue Milestone
in Comic NewsBritish children’s comic The Phoenix is rising high this week with a 48-page special that proudly celebrates its 200th issue.
Henchmen: I, Henchbot #1-6 Review
What elevates Henchmen above similar fare is its focus on grounded drama and human characters.
Indie Penance #3: 566 Frames, Isness, Space Babe 113, Cogs & Claws
A mere eleven months later, I’m back with my “regular” look at the finest, strangest, funniest or just darned unique-est creator owned comics out there.
Bloody Forehead #2: The Quest for Originality
in ColumnIn Bloody Forehead I put the eponymous cranium to good use discussing the various issues I’ve encountered in the brutal self-publishing arena with my debut Welcome to The Fold.