Tag: graphic novels

  • Hum Graphic Novel Review

    Hum Graphic Novel Review

    2009, Diablo Productions Writer: Scott “Diablo” Marcano, Tom Lenoci Art: Renzo Podesta In one of Warren Ellis’s wonderful column series ‘Come in Alone,’ he comments astutely on the great irony of Image Comics and the exodus of talent by MacFarlane, Lee, Liefeld, Valentino, Silvestri and co. from Marvel and DC to their own creative landscape.…

  • The Helm Graphic Novel Review

    The Helm Graphic Novel Review

    2009, Dark Horse Story: Jim Hardison Art: Bart Sears, Randy Elliott Colours: Dan Jackson One thing that always baffles me is why, outside of buffoons like The Simpson’s Comic Book Guy, there are so few bona fide geeks in science fiction or fantasy. Sure, peculiar intellectuals can bring their idiosyncrasies to a team of nonspecific,…

  • David Doub’s Dusk Available Now

    David Doub’s Dusk Available Now

    After spending the last half hour wracking my brain for an original vampire pun for the above title, I’ve given up, gone all conventional and opted for the whole brevity thing. Quite pathetic, really. Sorry. Anyway, my prodigious powers of prognostication have alerted me to a new vampire series from Texan writer David Doub, entitled…

  • Jim Sheridan and Bart Sears’ The Helm Finds its Head

    I recently received a promo for The Helm, a fun looking graphic novel from Jim Sheridan, the legendary Bart Sears and Randy Elliot. This TPB of the original four part Dark Horse series follows the rather novel premise of “What if you had a magical superpower… and it hated your guts?” Synopsis: “On the same…

  • Berlin: City of Stones Review

    Berlin: City of Stones Review

    2000, Drawn and Quarterly Written and illustrated by: Jason Lutes There’s a scene near the beginning of Jason Lutes’ Berlin, set in 1928 Germany, in which two characters joke about the changes their country is undergoing. Of course, they would have no idea of the scale or severity of things to come, but it’s a…

  • Will Eisner’s The Contract with God Trilogy Review

    Will Eisner’s The Contract with God Trilogy Review

    2006 Written and illustrated by Will Eisner To this day there has not been a cast of comic book characters quite like the residents of Will Eisner’s 55 Dropsie Avenue. These desperate souls are a world apart from the usual artists, journalists, existential twenty-something and precocious kids who generally represent the “everyday man” in comics.…

  • Tales from the Crypt vol 1: Ghouls Gone Wild! Review

    Tales from the Crypt vol 1: Ghouls Gone Wild! Review

    2007 Papercutz Writers: Mark Bilgrey, Rob Vollmar, Neil Kleid, Don McGregor, Jim Salicrup Artists: Mr. Exes, Tim Smith 3, Laurie E. Smith, Steve Mannion, Sho Murase, Carlos Jose Guzman, Rick Parker It’s difficult to believe that E.C.’s Tales from the Crypt only lasted from 1950-55, given the infamy of its legacy. Often held accountable, amongst…

  • Silver Surfer: Requiem Review

    Silver Surfer: Requiem Review

    2008, Marvel Knights Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Esad Ribic Could there be a more hippyish comic book creation than the Silver Surfer? A metallic dude who surfs the cosmos, refusing to cover his androgynous shame lest it cramp his streamline style. The Fabulous Freak Brothers have nothing on Norrin Radd. While popular culture has…