Tag: graphic novels
An Android Awakes Book Review
I guarantee you won’t have read anything else quite like An Android Awakes.
Neroy Sphinx: Back in the Game Graphic Novel Review
Irreverent, witty and a joy to read, Daniel Whiston’s Neroy Sphinx feels like the classic 2000AD saga that never was.
Indie Penance #5: ‘Pariah, Missouri’, Eccentrix, The Boy with a Balloon for a Head, Michael Midas
This week: Eccentrix, The Boy with a Balloon for a Head, Michael Midas: Champion and Pariah, Missouri
Preview: A Glance Backward
in Comic NewsCheck out these surreal and sumptuous preview pages from Magnetic Press’s upcoming A Glance Backward.
Indie Penance #4: The Dead, Indie Comics Magazine, Hard to be a Girl, Lowlives, Bloodthirsty
This week I look at The Dead, Indie Comics Magazine, Bloodthirsty, Lowlives and It’s Hard to be a Girl.
Preview: Hieronymus By Marcel Ruijters
in Comic NewsThis October, Knockabout Comics is celebrating 500 years of Bosch with the graphic biography Hieronymus.
Indie Penance #3: 566 Frames, Isness, Space Babe 113, Cogs & Claws
A mere eleven months later, I’m back with my “regular” look at the finest, strangest, funniest or just darned unique-est creator owned comics out there.
Preview: Alpha By Jens Harder
in Comic NewsKnockabout Comics will be publishing an English translation of Jens Harder’s ludicrously ambitious Alpha.