Tag: graphic novels
The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia Review
Mary and Bryan Talbot’s graphic novel chronicling the life of revolutionary feminist Louise Michel is as magical as it is sincere.
Patience Graphic Novel Review
Daniel Clowes’ Patience is the work of a master of the form in his prime.
Atlas:ORIGINS First Printing Available via Kickstarter
in Comic NewsDavid Swartz’s indie superhero series is running a campaign to fund the first printing of its TPB.
My Indie Picks on SF Signal’s Mind Meld
in PublishingThis week I contributed to Hugo Award winning sci-fi blog SF Signal’s brilliant Mind Meld feature.
Samurai: The Heart of the Prophet Review
Frédéric Genêt’s Imperial Japan is breathtaking in its detail and scope.
Silver Volume 2 TPB Review
A unique take on Dracula with the colourful archetypes and endless charm of 30’s pulp tales.
Hubert Graphic Novel Review
Ben Gijsemans’ debut is a beautiful character study of a lonely artist.