Tag: Digital Comics
L1MA Comic Review
A singular futuristic vision built upon unique Peruvian influences and eccentric technology.
How to Get Your Comic Published (From Someone Who’s Done It)
in ColumnMad Cave’s Mark London shares advice on publishing, promoting and distributing your comics.
On Kickstarter Now: I Am Hexed
in Comic NewsA present-day story set in an alternate America in which witches “came out” in the 1960s.
Comichaus App: A Potential Game Changer for Indie Creators
in Comic NewsI spend some quality time with the new subscription-based comic app from Comichaus.
Indie Penance #14: Kimot Ren, Sliced Quarterly, Shake the Lake, Shadow of the Cross, Meanwhile…
This time I look at Martian Comics, Kimot Ren, Sliced Quarterly, Shake the Lake, The Shadow of the Cross and Meanwhile… #5.
Interview: ‘The Shadow of the Cross’ Creator Dmitry Yakhovsky
in InterviewsInterview with The Shadow of the Cross: Imprisonment artist and writer Dmitry Yakhovsky.
Celebrate Controversial Comics with the Humble Forbidden Books Bundle
in Comic NewsThe question is, if I buy them will I actually read them?
Indie Penance #12: Black Mumba, Vessels, Trivia Game, Take Only Photographs…
This week I look at Black Mumba, Vessels #1, Adam and Gill’s Trivia Game, and Take Only Photographs, Leave Only Footprints.