Joseph Pais of Black Snake Studios has informed me that the first issue of charity series RIP is now available to download free from digital comic and eBook store, with $.25 of every download going to the National foundation for Cancer Research. While you’re at it you can also download 4 other comics of your choice for free.
The catch? You’ll have to sign up with Wowio… which isn’t really a catch at all, given that you’re not obliged to purchase anything. Though I’m sure that Wowio are hoping you’ll be impressed enough by the improved service that you will.
And once again, here’s a brief plot synopsis of the comic in question, and an animated trailer further down:
RIP #1 – Comics Fighting Cancer
Two years ago he lost everything that he had ever loved. The vampires took her from him and he wants her back. It is their unusual appetite and uncontrollable cravings that set them apart from the ones that they hunt, but to the humans, they look somewhat normal. He knows better. With the help of high tech friend Chet and the curiously flawless and sexy Anaya, RIP will not stop until he gets his wife back, along with all of the missing. However, after RIP finds out that local doctors and scientists have become a few of the many that were taken, he begins to fear for the purity of the entire human race. With the motivation and power to kill any vampire that stands in his way, and the knowledge of exactly how to do it, RIP becomes an unstoppable force that not even the many faces of immortality can match.
Carl Doherty has written about movies, video games, comic books and literature for over a decade, forging ill-informed critiques for websites, blogs and publications that no one has ever heard of. His debut novel, the epic fantasy comedy Welcome to The Fold, is available now.
On resolutions, balancing kindness with productivity, creating while living through interesting times, and finding the joy in the process rather than the project.
I love taking our little podenco Dobby along the Westcliff beach on a Saturday morning. You never know what rare wildlife you’ll spot, such as this lesser speckled Transformer in its natural habit.
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