Self-publishing is equal parts rewarding, depressing and time consuming. I didn’t enter this ring for the prize money, but if you do happen to read any of my work, enjoy it, and feel that you want to help speed up any of my projects, then feel free to make a small donation using the button below (please note: you won’t need a paypal account). Each small donation provides me just that little bit more creative time.
… however, I’m not really expecting anyone’s cash (which is quite fortunate). I write because I love to write, it’s as simple as that. But I would really appreciate it if you, yes you, could help me out by doing one of the following:
- Tell your friends about this book. Tell your family. Tell your dog. Tell the pretty girl at the supermarket checkout. Just spread the word, indiscriminately.
- Write a review of the book (or a news piece) on Amazon, your blog or any other literature related site.
- Tell a publisher about this rather fine little series of books you’ve just discovered.
- Purchase my other works and, likewise, spread the word.
- Leave a constructive comment below… or even just say hi. It’s always great to meet like-minded individuals.