Category: Graphic Novel Reviews
Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact Graphic Novel Review
Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact is an engaging all-ages book that manages to straddle several different genres to great effect.
The Dark Knight III: The Master Race Review
The Master Race is something of a return to form for Miller, as long as you keep your expectations in check.
Jane Graphic Novel Review
A contemporary take on Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, reimagined by superstar screenwriter Aline Brosh McKenna.
The Cliff Graphic Novel Review
The Cliff continues Matthew Brown’s world of improbable structures and allegorical personalities.
The Death of Stalin Graphic Novel Review
Fabien Nury and Thierry Robin’s gripping satirical take on the power struggling that surrounded Stalin’s death.
Yiffing in Hell, Episode 1: Secret Reunion in Carfax Lodge Review
Pablo Rincón’s sprawling and esoteric tale of… I’m not exactly sure.
Collecting Sticks Graphic Novel Review
Joe Decie uses his family’s “glamping” trip to examine the trivialities of modern Western life.