Category: Comic Book Reviews
Dark Reign: Amazing Spider-man #598 Review
Marvel Writer: Joe Kelly Art: Paulo Siqueira, Marco Checchetto, Santos Colours: Jeremy Cox After a spate of mediocre standalone issues and the pointless ‘24/7’ arc, Spidey’s assimilation into the Dark Reign event has given the series a much needed shot of adrenaline. For anyone left dangling by last issue’s shocking cliff-hanger, I think it’s fair…
Paralysis Comic Book Review
2008, Attackosaur Comics Story: Martin Ian Smith Art: J.C. Grande Paralysis is the first book by Martin Ian Smith and J.C. Grande under Smith’s Attackosaur Comics. Set in 1942 London, it’s a gruesome little standalone tale that flitters between psychological thriller, creature feature and wartime romance… well, maybe a little less of the latter than…
Dark Reign: Punisher #6 Comic Review
Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Tan Eng Huat Colours: Lee Loughbridge One of the most enjoyable facets of Dark Reign, this rebranded Punisher: War Journal has so far been a blast. With Norman Osborn’s sovereignty overshadowing every major Marvel title at the moment, Frank Castle has his work cut out for him, and Rick Remender has…
Batman Reborn: Batman #687 Comic Review
DC Writer: Judd Winick Pencils: Ed Benes Inks: Rob Hunter Colours: Ian Hannin, JD Smith It’s transition time in this epilogue to Battle for the Cowl, as Dick Grayson is forced to accept that the role of Batman cannot end with Bruce Wayne. Judd Winick didn’t exactly have an easy undertaking with this issue; Grant…
Dark Reign: New Avengers #52 Review
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Art: Billy Tan, Matt Banning, Justin Ponsor, Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Antonio Fabela Ever since New Avengers started back in 2005 I’ve generally felt a bit apathetic towards the title. Brain Michael Bendis just doesn’t do Marvel’s team books as well as his more personal labours such as Jinx, Alias, Powers…
Rotten #1 Comic Book Review
Moonstone Writers: Mark Rahner, Robert Horton Art: Dan Dougherty One of the difficulties in reviewing comic books by the issue rather than in graphic novel format is that modern comic plots often take so long to reach their momentum. Writers such as Brian Michael Bendis often favour issue-long dialogue driven scenes that read well in…
Aliens #1 Comic Book Review
Dark Horse Writer: John Arcudi Pencils: Zach Howard Inks: Mark Irwin, Zack Howard Colours: Wes Dzioba With Dark Horse currently compiling their back catalogue into rather neat Omnibus editions, it’s surprising how well many of the early Aliens, Predator and Terminator miniseries still read. Naturally, there were only so many directions these franchises could be…
Batman Reborn: Batman and Robin #1 Review
DC Comics Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Frank Quitely Colourist: Alex Sinclair When DC Comics gave Grant Morrison the keys to their multiversal kingdom, it must have seemed like a winning strategy. Given his reputation as the “reboot guy” on titles like Animal Man and Doom Patrol, it made sense to let Morrison re-jiggle the DC…