Author: Carl Doherty
Indie Penance #18: Fir Valley, Wasteland, Shiver Bureau, Queen Street, Stained
In this month’s Indie Penance: Fir Valley, Queen Street, Wasteland and Shiver Bureau.
The Death of Stalin Graphic Novel Review
Fabien Nury and Thierry Robin’s gripping satirical take on the power struggling that surrounded Stalin’s death.
Indie Penance #17: Dark Goblin Snakes
In this month’s Indie Penance: Farlaine the Goblin, Then It Was Dark, Knight in the Snake Pit, Revisionaries and Brigands.
Indie Penance #16: Tomorrow, Teeter Topple, Bones of the Coast, Atlantis, Cadavers, AA Squad
After a bit of a hiatus, Indie Penance is back with indie comics mini-reviews. Rejoice, damn you!
Blood Bowl: More Guts More Glory #1 Review
A fun and engaging adaptation of the enduring Games Workshop board game.
Ghost City Comics Competition Opens to Indie Creators
in Comic NewsThe Ghost City Comics Competition is now open for submissions.
Yiffing in Hell, Episode 1: Secret Reunion in Carfax Lodge Review
Pablo Rincón’s sprawling and esoteric tale of… I’m not exactly sure.